Only complete the Form below if you haven't done so already.

If you have already submitted the Confidentiality Agreement Form, Kindly find it saved in My Account, under Registrations Section.

By ticking the box I confirm that I will hold information relating to the client in the strictest confidence, ensure it is kept safely and securely when not in use. I acknowledge that no information is to be removed from the client’s premises without the permission of the client I will always keep such records strictly confidential. I agree that all records, reports or documentation relating to work carried out in the course of my employment with Right 4 Recruitment together with all other papers of a confidential nature provided by the company, are to remain the property of the company always. I undertake not to take personal advantage of, nor disclose at any time, whether during my time with the company or after, any information regarding the company, its product, its clients, or its business with any third parties. I agree that any breach either by me or a third party, may result in legal proceedings being brought by the Client against me including a claim for the recovery of any losses or damages incurred by Right 4 Recruitment as a result of a breach.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.


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